We practice a thorough type of chiropractic called applied kinesiology.
It’s designed to optimize the function of your nervous system by removing physical, chemical and emotional stress in your body. Below is a simplified version of how it works.
01———Muscle Testing
Dr. Tyler starts by challenging different areas of your body with a light muscle test. When the muscles show weakness, that’s a sign of dysfunction.
Using his extensive knowledge of the human body, Dr. Tyler pinpoints the source of dysfunction and delivers a precise chiropractic adjustment to that area.
03–––––Retest & Repeat
Following the adjustment, Dr. Tyler retests the muscle to make sure his adjustment worked. Then he moves on to assess other areas of your body.

We also offer a full range of functional medicine solutions.
Improving your well-being requires a holistic look at your overall health. Dr. Tyler’s training and expertise in a wide variety of topics ensures you get the personalized care you need.
Supplements & Nutraceuticals
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Arthrostim & Percussor Tools
Meridian Philosophy
Dr. Tyler Nenaber, Chiropractic & Functional Medicine
Meet the doctor who does it all.
Dr. Tyler is a board-certified chiropractor by trade, but that’s only the beginning of what he can do for your health. His training and expertise covers a vast range of health-related topics, giving him a lot of tools to get you back to feeling your best.
Get to know him >

Call (763) 546-3736 to schedule.
Conveniently located right off of Highway 55 in Golden Valley.
4266 Dahlberg Drive
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 10am-6pm
Wednesday: 9am-5pm
Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday: 8am-12pm