Physical, chemical and emotional stressors challenge your body every single day. We call these three components the triad of health. And your well-being depends on your body’s ability to manage and balance each one.
When unbalanced, these stressors diminish the function of your nervous system. As you know, the nervous system controls everything. It’s like a central computer system for your body. When it’s not working properly, that opens the door to all sorts of health problems.
Our process identifies the causes of stress in your body and addresses them at the source. We examine the physical, chemical and emotional challenges in your life to determine what kind of care you need. Then, we use precise chiropractic adjustments and other functional medicine solutions to clear them up.

Chiropractic isn’t about cracking backs. It’s about stimulating the nervous system.
We practice a technique called Applied Kinesiology. It works with the nervous system to create meaningful change in the structure and physiology of your body. Below is a simplified version of how we test and optimize neurological function.
Applied Kinesiology process
01———Muscle Testing
Dr. Tyler starts by challenging different areas of your body with a light muscle test. When the muscles show weakness, that’s a sign of neurological dysfunction.
Using his extensive knowledge of the human body, Dr. Tyler pinpoints the source of dysfunction and delivers a precise chiropractic adjustment to that area.
03–––––Retest & Repeat
Following the adjustment, Dr. Tyler retests the muscle to make sure his adjustment worked. Then he moves on to assess other areas of your body.

Your health is personal. Your care should be personalized.
More often than not, multiple factors are affecting your well-being. Functional medicine gives us more tools and techniques to improve your health. Dr. Tyler will develop a holistic plan based on your situation.